Monday 5 December 2011

Audience Theory

Audiences are so important when creating a media product. My initial thoughts when considering my audience were the benefits they would bring me:
- They are the ones who will be exposed to your video
- Awareness and popularity
- Profits
- Promotion
- Feedback

"A media text in itself has no meaning until it is read or decoded by an audience."

We can define an audience by using SAGEL, and here are mine:

Socio economic group - My target audience is mainly going to be Group  E, although in theory, any group could enjoy it. However groups D and E are more likely to have the time to watch music videos due to their lifestyles, so it makes sense for me to target them, especially E as students fit in this group.
Age - Teenagers and students will my target age group, as they are most likely to appreciate the silly humour, although I'm sure some adults will share the humour, especially younger adults and parents.
Gender - I don't particularly want my video to be genre specific, however as it stars more males, it probably will relate more to them.
Ethnicity - I'm not aiming to please any specific ethnic groups, as I don't want to discriminate, and I don't see the need to differentiate, as everyone can appreciate my video if they like silly, almost slapstick comedy.
Lifestyle - I'm aiming to appeal to students, as it is a partial reflection of student life, and stars actual students. I think they will be able to relate more to my video than others for example, professional accountants.

Hypodermic Needle Model
This theory suggests that audiences passively receive the information transmitted via a media text, without any concious attempt to process or challenge the data. It also suggests that as an audience, we are manipulated by the creators of media texts, and that our behaviour and thinking might be easily changed by them.

The idea of the hypodermic needle effect is that mass media is so powerful in these days, that it can target the audience directly with any message it wants to give because the audience are passive receivers of meanings ideas and values.

It originated in the 1920's where the government believed if they made a media text broadcasted to a mass audience, they would recieve its message passively.

I disagree with the hyperdermic needle model, as I don't believe audiences to be so accepting of anything without due consideration. I actually, find it borderline insulting that humans are so little thought of. This model is lacking in detail and doesn't take anything else into account.

Two Step Flow
People believe the HNM didn't explain the idea of the relationship of the audience and the text well enough. The two step flow theory was created by Lazarsfeld et al in 1940. The findings of research suggested that information from text does not flow directly into the audience's mind.

Here is a diagram we all copied down to demonstrate this theory:

Reception Theory
Work was carried out to study the way audiences recieve the meaning of a mass media text and how their lives interfere with their interpretation. This work was based on Stuart Halls' encoding model. The text is encoded by the producer, then decoded by the reader. Different lifestyles and age can affect the way people interpret texts, for example, an older generation may not find something as funny as the younger generations would. This means the texts can be polysemic, which means it has many meanings.

Uses and Gratifications
When televisions were first invented, media theorists were aware of the choices audiences made when watching media texts. As the audience are no longer passive consumers, they were known as active consumers. Blumler and Katz said that individuls might choose texts for different reasons and they came up with 4 reasons as to why people may choose differently:

Diversion - To escape from everyday chores and problems
Personal Relationships - Audiences used the media for emotions interaction.
Personal Identity - Seeing your personality and character being reflected in texts, maybe soaps.
Surveillance - To learn information such as weather and the news

I think my music video will most likely be used as a diversion in the form of entertainment, and personal identity to reflect the stereotypical teenage life.

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