Monday 5 December 2011

Music Videos: Conventions

There are certain conventions typical of music videos. Not all follow conventions, but most do. Here's a list:

  • MTV Cutting
  • Editing matches beat
  • Tropes and Memes - challenging
  • Multiple locations
  • Multiple situations
  • Multiple costumes
  • Choreography
  • Purpose: promote song/band
  • Purpose: Sell product (shifting units)
  • Purpose: iTunes (£2 videos)
  • Symbolism
  • Montage, anchored by music
  • Lip sync
  • In concert - live footage (more naturalistic)
  • Intertextuality
  • Narrative/mini-movie approach - compressed narrative
  • Interpretive abstract approach - surrealist
  • Artificial performance (non-naturalistic) like musicals - pre-planned, spontaneous bursts of song
  • Direct address by performer - breaking the fourth wall
  • Act out story of the song
  • Genre affects style

  • Pastiche - copy but not exact - style thieves

  • Parody - mocking copy

  • Homage - tribute
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