Sunday 4 December 2011

Short Film: Pudding Bowl/Ginger Cake

We watched 2 short films in class; one by Vanessa Caswill and one by Charley Deakin (A2 student). Here they are:

"Pudding Bowl" (Caswill):

"Ginger Cake" (Deakin):

Charley used Caswill's "Pudding Bowl" as a style for her A2 short film. She has studied it carefully and taken certain conventions from "Pudding Bowl" to use in her "Ginger Cake":
  • Both use a sound bridge of incidental music during the introduction
  • Both use a pan shot of magazine cuttings
  • Both use a variety of shots showing the main character working at her project: close ups, mid shots, long shots
  • Both use transistions to show the passing of time/change of place
  • Both have emphasis on the silence and the diegetic sounds that their work makes
  • Both use jump cuts to show the passing of time (hair cut/getting up)
  • They both use a mirror that the main character looks in
  • Both use minimal dialogue, instead using camerawork and incidental music (major or minor key) to give their characters depth

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