Tuesday 3 January 2012

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

I think the combination of my media products together is a successful one. The two ancillary tasks both follow the same house style of a black background and reds. I've gone for simplicity and sophistication for the website, to show the sensible side of the band, and the sincerity, so the audience don't think they're a joke. I've included everything a band website needs to be fully functional, and promotional - especially by including the digipak on the news feed on the home page. The video is also available in the media section of the site, so it all fits together as a package.

The digipak continues with the simplicity, however the image of Tom repeats in a pyschadelic pattern, to fit in more with the video. The main image of Tom on the front is taken directly from the video itself, so it would lend itself perfectly to a television advert as well. I chose the bright neon colours to reflect the craziness of the video. I edited the same image of Tom and repeated it again to reflect and symbolise the stages of the drugs effects - e.g. partially blurred image for blurred vision...saturation for heat flushes...etc. The image of Tom is quite striking and will grab attention, as intended on shop shelves and online. It also includes the web address on the back cover, to encourage consumers to discover more about the band.

I think the combination of the different approaches whilst maintaining a clear house style works to show various aspects of the band to get the best possible reception. It was very important that I got across several views of the band from this collection, and still managed to ensure that they are clearly of the same package. I think I've done that well, as each the house style runs through both ancillary tasks to unite them, whilst both including things that clearly came from the video so it stays tied in. As the video is brighter than the ancillary tasks, I feel it does depend a little on the image of Tom and the song name being mentioned, however this is similar to current bands, where the album and websites fit in with posters and adverts etc, using slightly less noticable connections to the videos, as they cannot all be exactly the same or it would be dull. An example of this is Take That, with the continuous yellow of their Progress album, through posters, adverts and website, however not all of their videos are bright yellow as there has to be some differences.

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